Book Review - The Mermaid and the Shoe

The Mermaid and the Shoe
The Mermaid and the Shoe by K.G. Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thought this was a sweet and beautiful book focusing on how every child is unique and special in their own way. Sometimes their talent lies hidden from others for a time and that doesn't make them any less special. King Neptune's 50 daughters all had amazing talents except for little minnow. Minnow doesn't seem to do anything right and just asks way too many questions. These questions lead her on an adventure as she searches for the answers. I loved the beautiful whimsical pictures of this book. My daughter loves mermaids and this book was no exception for her. It's a quick and easy read and we read it multiple times before bed one night. Definitely will keep an eye on this author in the future.

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