Book Review - Lies That Bind Us

Lies That Bind UsLies That Bind Us by Andrew Hart
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


I enjoyed this one. It wasn't my fav, but it kept me interested the whole way through. I like how it flowed back and forth in time giving you little hints along the way. It wasn't too much of a mystery to me though, I could tell where it was going. I recognized the meaning of the word, the "mask" and who was responsible pretty early on. I wasn't a super fan of any of the characters. I struggle with feeling compassion for pathological liars and felt the relationships were so fake it was hard to connect with any character. There were a few words that felt forced, but the writing was easy to understand and flowed well. The characters, although I wasn't a super fan, stuck pretty true to their qualities. The end seemed to end too easy, it wasn't much of a mystery. I felt kind of let down the way things worked out, more like a broken puzzle but at least you had all the pieces. Even though it wasn't my favorite, it was a good jump back into fiction after I took a hiatus focusing on school and non-fiction for quite some time.
There is some language and lots of drinking involved.

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