Book Review - The Fever

<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="The Fever" src="" /></a><a href="">The Fever</a> by <a href="">Megan Abbott</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">3 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
This one was hard to rate, I actually put it off for quite a long time. The writing wasn't bad, but it was hard to describe what this book was. It wasn't scary, it wasn't a mystery, it was..... I'm not sure. It felt like a labryinth, full of dead-end wrong turns that really have nothing to do with anything other than to distract you. <br /><br />It was full of that teenage pettiness and immaturity that's sometimes fun to endure but this time it seemed over the top. The biggest problem for me was that I felt like there wasn't really anything that happens. But I didn't want to give it a terrible review because the author can write. I could be in the situation, see the characters, watch the interactions, she can tell a story for sure. I think she's a great author, just wish the content was better. <br /><br />The characters did nothing for me, I didn't hate them or love them. They really didn't move me in any way other than making me feel that this family seems to need some therapy to deal with the issues. There was a lot of sexual content in this book for a YA novel. Not that you don't find it in YA or teenage life, but it felt almost forced. A lot of the scenes just didn't feel necessary at all. The family was weirdly sexual, not together, just the whole family seemed to have issues in one way or another. The dad was awkwardly observant of his daughter's friends and their development of the years. The brother carries this awkward relationship as he thinks about his sister in the next room when he's with the girl of the week. The sexting is pretty prevalent and almost felt extreme. Yes, it happens, but to that extent to one guy and push it so hard through the book felt forced. It seemed every situation turned sexual in one way or another or had some sexual comment or component added just to throw it in.<br />This wasn't your typical YA, wasn't much of a mystery or thriller. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this one, BUT I still intend to follow this author, because she definitely has potential since she is a good author.
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