Book Review - The Best of Daughters

The Best of DaughtersThe Best of Daughters by Dilly Court
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was my first introduction to Dilly Court. I must say I was very pleased with this jump into a period novel. I was fascinated with the way that Dilly was able to use accurate verbiage throughout her descriptions and found myself looking up a few words here or there. When the words are added simply to push it onto the reader that the author is knowledgeable it annoys me. Dilly doesn't do this at all. The writing flows and fits and had she used modern words in her descriptions it would have been off-putting.

This book takes you back into times right before WWI when a well-to-do family is flung into a state of trial as her father's business is swindled by his partner and forces them to flee to the countryside giving up the luxuries they once took for granted. Daisy is on the path to finding herself and begins by attending meetings and demonstrations by the suffragettes. This path is halted on their move to the countryside which has Daisy searching for another path..

Most of the characters were likable and loved the family interactions. At the beginning I really struggled with Daisy's infatuation. I really love how we see and most of the other characters develop throughout the novel. At first I thought it was moving particularly slow amidst all the dress fittings and shopping sprees but I really got more into it as the war started. I really loved how much she grew and matured.

I enjoyed the story and the ending. There were no loose ends and everything ended well. There was romance but not a lot of lusty sex scenes, just small kissing scenes. There wasn't language and the war scenes were moving but not too heavy. There wasn't a lot of angst but there was a lot of painful war scenarios.

I definitely enjoyed this one and will find more by this author. I am eager to see what else she has written.

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