Book Review - Broken Promise (Sons of Broad #3)

Broken Promise (Sons of Broad #3)Broken Promise by Tara Thomas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is the third in the Sons of Broad Series by Tara Thomas. I received this book from Netgalley and after I started it, I knew I had to start from the beginning. I hunted down the first two and finished them before diving back into Broken Promise. I did not read any of the prequel novellas which may have been helpful for some more backstory. Each of the books in the series focuses on one of the Benedict brothers. In the last book we are introduced to Kipling. I had a feeling the older mature and seemingly playboy brother was more deep than he let's on.
The romance begins between him and Alyssa, the police officer from the previous books. The romance isn't a surprise, there's a lot of playful banter and sexual innuendos from Kipling in the other books but the feelings behind them aren't introduced until this final installment. A lot of questions are answered in this one. We found out the who and why of the Gentleman which fills in a lot of blanks. I wonder if there's a novella from the POV of the Benedict's mom? That would be an interesting read.

I would definitely read the series in order, otherwise the finale built up in the first two is spoiled in book three. I liked Alyssa. She was a strong heroine but not perfect, you saw the flaws too. I do wonder, whatever happened to her partner from the first book? She originally has a partner, then he just stops coming and no more mention of him. Generally if a department runs two deep, they don't just stop. I also felt her decision to leave the department felt pretty rash. I definitely saw her leaving, but there wasn't much in the way of her decision, just that she made it.
I will say each of these girls seem to come from a home with a rough father.


The loose ends from the other books all seem to tie up at the end. Some questions I had with the ending is Kipling's injury. We aren't ever really told what happens with him, he seems alright, like he's faking but then ends up in a coma and needing physical therapy? For what?! Also, Jade seems to have no problem being shot since it's no longer mentioned again. The part with Tilly's dad is a bit confusing. It's talked about that he's a hindrance to the Gentleman, but then that's it. So did he plant the evidence? It wasn't very clear. And the decision he made for the Benedict parents was surprising, considering his motive behind it all.

In the end it was a good book, a good series and I am definitely interested in reading more from this author, and perhaps I'll check out the novellas as well.

Thanks for the opportunity!

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